Wednesday, December 24, 2008

December 24,2008

I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday. I had another rough time right after my chemo but I think I am re-bouding nicely. I hate to jinx it but I feel good today! I remember waking up at 2:00 in the morning yesterday and thinking, "I finally don't feel nauseated!" That was a really good moment. Anyway, we continue to get great news and comments from the Doctor each time we go and that is so encouraging. I know what I have to do to get my body free of this and I am very focused but it is really nice to think that some day I will be able to be through with it. I cry sometimes when I talk about the next 2 chemo's, and yes, they are that bad. But atleast this part of treatment will be over and I can focus on the surgery and radiation. My surgery will be around the 15th -20th of February and radiation begins shortly after. My hair should start to grow back sometime in March!!!! There should be a party for that!
We always strike conversations with the people around us at chemo as most people are very willing to share. We met a guy at chemo who was telling us about his radiation on his chin and neck. We hadn't talked about what type of cancer we each had but I found myself asking about his radiation experience. He mentioned how during the last 3 weeks it's normal for the skin to feel burnt right after. He enjoyed driving home with his head hanging out the window to get the cool breeze on his skin. I said, "well, that is a great suggestion but I have breast cancer!!." You have to laugh, even while you are at chemo! Don't worry, I'll just take ice packs with me!
Anyway, we continue to be brought to thankful tears by our incredible ward. They are so amazing. Everything we could possibly be over burdened with has been taken care of and then some. There are so many people to be thanked (with my chemo brain I can't even start naming them), but we are thankful for all of the service that comes our way each night in our family prayers. Please know that we are thankful for you all. I hope you have a Merry Christmas! Don't eat too much because we are doing the Race for the Cure in May!!!! (More details to follow.)
Much Love- Shauna

Sunday, December 14, 2008

December 14, 2008

Hi everyone-
So this time has been harder and I am just not getting back to "normal" like I have the last 2 times. I would rather get a root canal, IRS audit, or yearly exam instead of Chemo on Thursday. I definately don't feel ready for this one, I am sure it's normal at this point because it's nasty stuff. I haven't had as much nausea as I thought but all the other aches, pains, inability to heal from even the smallest paper cut, etc. are more than enough. Truthfully, I can't decide which is worse, the chemo or the menopause the chemo has put me into. (The menopause was a little more than I expected.) I am thankful for the outcome I am having so I am trying to endure all of it but it is so easy to whine about the extensive list of ailments. I don't know if it's possible to get any better news than we got last time we saw the Dr. I expect through the last 3 treatments to just have lot's of "side-effects."
After Thursday I will have 2 more treatments to go, so I have to keep looking forward to the finish line which now seems within my reach. I never thought I would say this but I am looking forward to radiation.
I have had so much pressure removed from me by my incredible ward. This week I hit what is probably one of many low points and had to ask for help. Within 10 minutes of my phone call I had meals, a loving place for my kids to play and people coming to clean. It was one of many humbling days as I watched these sweet neighbors do all the things that I pride myself in doing each day for my family. All I can say is they continue to be so amazing! I was very worried that the length of time until recovery would eventually scare off just about everyone around us but it hasn't even a little bit. I am so thankful for all the prayers, loving service, and help for our family. What a great time of your to reflect on the "angels" who have and will continue attending to our needs, the healing hands of the Lord and the love we have been surrounded with.
Much Love- Shauna

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

After another cold and a kidney infection I finally feel like I am
coming out of the worst after my 3rd treatment. It wasn't any harder except for the kidney thing which probably means I am just not able to fight as well, and OK maybe it was harder!!! LOL I don't know how common kidney infections are but the Dr. wasn't surprised. I was a little because I am drinking alot! Also, at my last visit my tumor was undetectable!!!! I then asked what my chances are of getting clear margins at surgery and he said "excellent!!" Just to give perspective, there are 3 categories I could have fallen in. 1- 40% who have it shrink and be undectable (upon examination), 2- 40% who have shrinkage, 3- 20% have no change. I was really hoping to have atleast some shrinkage but have somehow been blessed and have fallen into the category I was afraid to hope for! It is undetectable. I can't describe the emotion of all of that. We spend time at chemo with so many who are not having a good outcome and I cry many times for them. I have been so blessed! I am having one of those experiences that I just can't describe yet because it's not over. But if I could tell you about each and every little blessing it would really amount to something amazing! My friend, Debbie Black, said this would be my greatest gift. (I love her but initially I thought she was "nuts!") Even though it is so hard and awful and will be for a long time, I have already learned she is right! Every day is a gift for me. I have not given deep thought to people actually facing life or death with their health (for a long time anyway) and to say they live differently is an understatement. So far, I am thankful for the chance to live a more meaningful life.
Thank you for your prayers, thoughts, and best wishes, keep sending them! My next treatment is Dec. 18.

Much Love-Shauna

Monday, November 24, 2008

November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are spending today at chemo, (yuck) we also get to come back tomorrow for the shot! Oh well, we are getting it over with. I will be half way after this one which is a great milestone. I have been feeling really good this whole time other than those first few days and have got almost all of my Christmas shopping done, decorating done, and even seen Santa with the kids. Rick and I also went to dinner! We have been normal and I am so glad to have had the ability to do almost all the things I normally do. I am not trying to be tough or keep up appearances at all, I am really feeling well almost all of the time. If it hits me now it won't seem like such a long time even though it is still quite a while. We are prepared for the worst and still hope for the best. We have so many people to be thankful for and for so many things right now, especially the help with the kids. They are our biggest priority and we love it when they are loved by someone watching them during the times we can't be there. They have really enjoyed every home they have gone to. That is such a weight taken off of us. Everyone around us (adults and kids) have contributed so much to making this easier and with all of our hearts we are soooo grateful! I appreciate every prayer and every time my name is added to the temple. It is so incredible to have so many people include you in their thoughts and prayers, we are forever thankful!



Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I feel like I am coming back to life!! I have done pretty well considering that I got a cold on Saturday, the same day as the chemo hit. Saturday was pretty rough but my cold is going away so that is a good sign that I can fight it off. The nausea only lasted on Saturday and even Zofran seemed like sugar pills having very little effect.Oh well, I feel much better now. I have improved so much each day, the only thing that is slow now is my brain! I get dizzy and can't remember things as well as I usually do. Josh has been making fun of me, but the nurses told me the chemo infiltrates every place in your body including your brain and has to work it's way out, they also told me at my last visit "chemo brain" is a real thing. Several of my Doctors have shown us study's that show drinking lot's of water and walking 30 minutes on the tredmill each day helps improve the side effects of chemo so that's what I do to work it through faster and so far I think it's helping. At my last Doc. visit he did an examination and said, "that almost feels like normal breast tisue!" This is really important to note for several reasons 1- it comes from a Dr. who never says anything positive, and 2- the chemo appears to beworking and breaking the tumor down. I might be reading more into it than he intended at least we know that the chemo is working and I felt these were good comments! As for all of you surrounding us, I am so thankful for every little thing that you do and say on our behalf. I am so thankful for each of you who have helped with the kids and brought meals and said prayers. I am so thankful for each person who has interacted with me and made me feel so normal even though I don't look normal anymore. I love and appreciate you all. Love- Shauna

"Strength to do battle begins with enlisting the strength of God." - Pres. Hinckley

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Novemeber 8, 2008 update:

I did chemo on Thursday, it still took about 6 hours by the time I saw the Doctor and got "every last drop" of chemo! I thought it was going to speed up but it won't. Oh well, only 4 more to go!!! I was happily wearing a blue hat that says in red stitching, "CHEMO SUCKS!" My blood counts and general health is very good, the doctor even said I did "amazingly well!" I hope to keep it up. Tomorrow the Neulasta shot will kick in and that is uncomfortable in every bone of my body but the aches go away within 48 hours. Then the other stuff will begin. I hope it only lasts a week like last time but we are prepared for anything. Thanks to everyone who continues to support our family, we can't do it without all of you!!! Much Love- Shauna

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

My Twin!

When someone you love is faced with hardships, as a family it is hard enough to watch them suffer. It is even harder when you live far away from them at the time they need you most! Diana and I along with our families have really struggled being away at a time when Shauna needs us most. So each of us are finding our own ways to show our love and support for Shauna during her fight. This is a picture of brother-in-law Nate sharing his message with Shauna.
"We may be far away, but we're with you!
We love you :)"

Monday, November 03, 2008

My New "Hair Do"!

It's more of a "hair don't" but this is the way things are right now. My hair started to fall out Thursday through Saturday in managable amounts but Sunday night wouldn't stop. So, as a family,we shaved it! Josh started out by saying, "shave it! shave it! shave it!" Megan and Isaac started right with him. It was a very positive experience for all with no tears until my mom got there! Rick was taking the bag of hair out to the garbage as my mom came in and he said, "it's all done." I had already put on my wig when she came walking into my room and said, "Rick said it was done." I looked at her funny and said, "it is done!" We laughed and laughed that even she couldn't tell it was my wig. It was very funny! Of course it's sad and hard and all of those things but there is also no way around it. I actually feel alot better with it over as I don't have to worry about loosing it or anyone noticing a bald spot. I truly think the worst part was the shock of seeing GRAY!!! Yep, I was more offended about that than looking like a prisoner in a prison camp. Anyway, this step is done and my 2nd treatment is this Thursday. I anticipate all the side effects to be a little stronger but I should be able to keep up with most things (I hope!)

Note: if anyone would like the "shauna" hair cut it's done by using a buzzer with a #1 blade and with your family standing right beside you!

We have so many amazing people supporting our family right now and we love you all very much. -Shauna

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Wednesday Oct. 22, 2008

I am feeling pretty well most of the time but there are a few minor moments each day that remind me that I had chemo last week. I get a little tired and rest when I need to but try to stay on top of everything I can. For those who were aware I had my hip scanned last Friday and that has come back clear of cancer. I never thought I would be so excited to have arthritis in my life! It is a huge deal as there are those who do have it progress, usually to a hip. We are so thankful and relieved. We are keeping things simple at home and really working with our kids on hand washing and not sharing drinks which is hard for 2 four year olds, they are starting to understand germs a little bit and getting used to it. Even though my counts are OK right now, anything I catch can be much more serious with a weakend immune system. So for now I really truly have no appointments until my next treatment November 6.

Shauna Dunford

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Hi everyone,
My appointment is over and I did well. Most of my fears have been conquered as I now know what to expect.It is very comfortable and the people are very nice. It's also easy to make friends and find someone to talk to, I have experienced this through all my appointments so far. The next few days will be more than likely just feeling a little like coming down with a cold, possible body aches, a little nausea but nothing too major...yet! It gives me the confidence that I need starting off and that is good. Now we wait 3 weeks and do it again! Just think, we are now killing cancer!! We are all in this together, I love you all for sending your love and support in so many ways. Keep sending it!!!! Much Love- Shauna
This is part of the TEAM SHAUNA support!
We're missing some family from Vermont and lots of Shauna's new friends. With the bad weather on Saturday we decided to have a family breakfast instead of the "Race for the Cure" walk in
Salt Lake, to have the "kick off" of our Team.
We love you Shauna!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Thanks so much to everyone who came to help us move into our new home!! We could not have done it without all the many hands that came last weekend to help. We have accomplished everything we needed to do, everything else can wait! Our three little kids are our primary focus (other than cancer) and they are doing OK. We are struggling in some fairly minor areas as expected but doing our best. It has been my greatest wish to be a mother and it makes me even more angry at cancer for jeopardizing that blessing that did not come easy. Our focus in life has always been our family but now it involves enjoying every moment so much more than before. Thank you for all the emails, phone calls, cards, comments, etc. Each thing sent is so much appreciated and cherished. I know in the months to come I will re-read them for the added strength and encouragement I will need to get through each day. I can't thank you enough for your prayers and fasting on my behalf. If you have ever wondered if someone you pray for or fast for can feel what you do for them, they can! My anxiousness and fears have been calmed so many times. As for today, I feel really good (1 day before treatment). I expect to do well during this first round, but I am prepared for "anything." I do feel myself becoming a germ freak but that is what it's going to take to stay out of the hospital and as healthy as possible. It's going to be difficult! My spirits are good so far and I am ready to get going. I am sure I will "hit bottom" so to speak and have many difficult times ahead but with the support that has been shown to us we will all get through. Thank you to each one of you who have done so much and offered everything to us that we could possibly need at this time. We are so blessed to be surrounded by neighbors, family and friends who are all so positive and determined to help us win this battle. Following is a little exerpt from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland's Conference talk that sums up how I feel about all that is being done for our family at this time:"But when we speak of those who are instruments in the hand of God, we are reminded that not all angels are from the other side of the veil. Some of them we walk with and talk with—here, now, every day. Some of them reside in our own neighborhoods. Some of them gave birth to us... Indeed heaven never seems closer than when we see the love of God manifested in the kindness and devotion of people so good and so pure that angelic is the only word that comes to mind. "Rick and I have already experienced so much to be grateful for from so many people. Among many other things we are learning that there are many depths of grattitude. We can't express enough how thankful we are for all of our "angels." Much Love-Shauna

Thursday, October 09, 2008

The Journey Begins...

This afternoon Shauna, Rick and mom went to meet Dr. Hansen, the Oncologist. He was very nice and Shauna liked him. He took some time to explain a few things about the cancer and the type of treatment that would be best. Shauna has read quite a bit about her cancer and kept right up with the doctor about the different medications used in the chemo treatment. He whole heartily agreed that it was the right decision to hold off on the surgery and do the chemo treatments first. He was very pleased that Shauna is very healthy and want to keep her that way.
On Wednesday, October 15th, they need two more baseline heart tests, so they can monitor her during her treatments. The day after these tests, Shauna begins her first chemo at 10:15. She will have 6 cycles with 3 weeks in between, for a total of 18 weeks. Each visit will take 3 hours. If all goes well, she should have her last treatment the end of January.
Her "Team" (family, friends and new ward) is ready to rally! We can't tell you how much we appreciate all the prayers and love that have been shown to Shauna and her family. We know our Savior is with her, and his love from each one of you will sustain her, and see them through this difficult time. May I say, "Hooray!" to the Webb Lane Ward! What examples you have been, you have truly been amazing and we THANK YOU!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


The making strides against breast cancer walk is this coming Saturday, but because of the weather we have decided that we are not going to participate. It is going to be wet, cold and just plain miserable. It's more important to make sure Shauna stays healthy, so going out in the cold and wet weather is not a smart thing to do. Those of you who would like to still participate that is wonderful, but just to let everyone know Shauna and her family won't be there. Thank you all for your love and support!

Friday, October 03, 2008

We can't possibly say enough thank you's to everyone who is coming to our aid at this time. Our family and friends and neighbors are such incredible people. I love all the emails and comments on the blog, the simple words you send offer me so much comfort and I truly do feel your love and prayers. Thank You!

  • This week beginning 10/6/07 I will be getting family life buttoned up (as much as possile) before my hair falls out the next week. Fun stuff!~ We will get back the genetic testing on Tuesday or Wednesday, we expect that to be negative but no one knows for sure. All it will do is give a possible explanation where the cancer came from.
  • Tuesday is the Joshman's 11th birthday! His football team made it to their first playoff game where they were defeated on Saturday. We had a great season!!!
  • Thursday will be the cleaning day at the new house: 607 S. Allison Way, (turn east off Angel onto Tylers Way, go east to Allison) I will be there at 9:00 after dropping off Isaac and Meg at pre-school.
  • Friday at 8:00am 2 Men and a Truck (thanks to some really nice guys!) and Rick's work United Team Mech. (thanks to some more really nice guys!) have guys scheduled to help and we are so appreciative to everyone. My thoughts are these groups can get the stuff to the house and we can have others at the house putting stuff away. Any willing hands are welcome anytime.
  • Saturday is the walk at Liberty Park and we will continue getting everything in order at the new house and we expect to stay there that night, anyone who can come we would love to see. Just seeing all our friends and neighbors I have loved makes me so happy. Many people have put alot into getting our home finished and we really appreciate all of the loving hands.

Remember to do your self breast exams not only in the shower but also lying down. My tumor is very large but is undetectable sitting up. Don't ever forget that! I am one in 8. For every 8 women one will get breast cancer. And 40 doesn't matter!!!! I don't want anyone else to go through this so check yourself. Much Love~ Shauna

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Today your job is to enjoy yourself, your husband and your kids! Have a happy birthday and remember how much I love you! I wish I was there today, but I will be there around noon tomorrow, hopefully before your surgery. Enjoy your day and don't worry for tomorrow, everything will be fine. I will make sure your babies are well taken care of until you are home. I love you Shauna and admire you more than you know. I am so blessed to not only have you as my sister but also my best friend. I love you, Happy Birthday!!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008



I had a checkup about 1 ½ years ago and my doctor did spend some extra time in the general location but moved on raising no real concern. I wish I could have known then. I have done some self examinations while standing up in the shower. That is all I remember hearing - That my lump was undetectable standing up. I can only find it lying down. It is also so deep that it is very hidden adding to the reasons why it has been “missed.” Once I noticed what I initially called “dense tissue” I was alarmed although I thought it would be a plugged duct or cyst. I never would have guessed.
I made my appointment which was two days later.
Throughout the next two days I became more and more worried as I realized what I felt was a lump and it was very large. I went to my appointment and saw the 2 masses on their ultrasound. My doctor asked to make appointments for a mammogram and ultrasound ASAP and I was more alarmed. I was afraid and upset. I had not told anyone as I initially thought it would be nothing. The nurse called the hospital for the earliest appointment which was 1 week out. She then told them the size of the mass and they got me in that afternoon at 1:00 just one hour later! When I left she hugged me and cried. “Oh $%@#!” was all I could think. When the nurse cries that’s got to be bad.
I drove to my ultrasound appointment and Rick met me there. I also called everyone else before that appointment as it was time to let them know that this was serious. I went to the ultrasound first and 2 cute little nurses asked a ton of questions and then disappeared to get the doctor. He came in and looked and said, “this doesn’t look good.” Then, to get a better picture of the situation, I had a mammogram. I had never done anything like any of this before. I knew I was turning 35 next month and was still not required to have a mammogram. Age doesn’t matter! The mammogram showed everything. 2 masses and the Radiologist was sure they were cancer. Rick and I were not given time to even catch our breath before the MRI and biopsy were scheduled. We then left the office and fell to pieces.
My mom had called and Rick gave her the news. We had to get ourselves home to my mom’s house. Everyone was being called and gathering there. We were beside ourselves. So much to take in and think about and still so much we did not know. We spent the weekend being together as a big family. We packed and moved our little family into my brother Randall’s basement. Life has a cruel way of bringing you back to reality. We had to move out of our rental home by the 30th and our new home was not scheduled to be completed for another 2-3 weeks. We completed out move that weekend before any impending testing and surgery.
It has been very wonderful, comforting, and helpful to be surrounded by my family and not be “alone” during this hard time.




ATTENTION: If you only have a little $$$ to donate please make all contributions to the

Thank you!!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008


Charitable Account - TEAM SHAUNA

A Charitable Account has been set up in Shauna's name at America First Credit Union. Shauna does have insurance, however there will be substantial out-of-pocket costs over the course of her surgery and treatments. Shauna and Rick would NEVER ask for this type of help. As friends and family, we all know the added expense can become a big concern. Let's help lift the pressure of this one concern so that the Dunfords can focus on what matters most...
helping Shauna fight and heal in peace.

Rick said it best just yesterday...
I hope you don't mind me sharing but there is no better way of putting it!!!

Rick said,
"You know, nothing else matters...
Nothing matters more than my wife and having a mommy for my kids."

How to donate...
1. Write a check to "Team Shauna Charitable Account"
2. Take the check to any America First Credit Union OR mail to Randall Gorham at 1168 Hanline Circle Kaysville, UT 84037.
3. Get a receipt OR Randall will mail it to you!




A shout out to the ladies...Get a Mammogram!
Shauna is only 34 years old.
Kinda makes you think doesn't it?
Age is no longer a determining factor...get a mammogram, it can't hurt!!!
Well okay it might hurt a little but I would imagine it is worth a little discomfort.
Early Detection: Do You Know The Facts?
The National Breast Cancer Foundation estimates that each year, over 200,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and over 40,000 die. One woman in eight either has or will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Approximately 1,700 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 450 will die each year.If detected early, the five-year survival rate for breast cancer exceeds 96%. Mammograms are among the best early detection methods, yet 13 million U.S. women 40 years of age or older have never had a mammogram.The National Cancer Institute and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommend that women in their forties and older have mammograms every one to two years. A complete early detection plan also includes regular clinical breast examinations by a trained medical professional. Monthly breast self-exams are suggested in addition.For more information about breast cancer, see our About Breast Cancer page or this Healthology page.
You and the women you love can sign up to receive a free email mammogram reminder that will remind you to schedule your yearly mammogram in the month of your choice. The American Cancer Society recommends that all women 40 and older get a mammogram every year, in addition to a clinical breast exam by their doctor or nurse as part of their regular health checkups. We know that knowledge is power, and we won’t stop until every woman understands how they can take control of their breast health.


October is Breast Cancer Awareness month...

All of Shauna's friends and family are invited to participate in the MSABC Walk.

"Making Strides Against Breast Cancer"

Event date: Saturday, October 11, 2008
Location: Beautiful Liberty Park, Salt Lake City

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer events have no registration fee and no fundraising minimum. These noncompetitive walks range in distance from three to five miles, and men, women, and children of all ages are encouraged to participate. All funds raised at this event stay here and benefit women in the great State of Utah!!!!

NOTE: We will be making TEAM SHAUNA T-SHIRTS so please let me know if you would like to participate so that we can keep you informed and get you a shirt!