Tuesday, December 02, 2008

After another cold and a kidney infection I finally feel like I am
coming out of the worst after my 3rd treatment. It wasn't any harder except for the kidney thing which probably means I am just not able to fight as well, and OK maybe it was harder!!! LOL I don't know how common kidney infections are but the Dr. wasn't surprised. I was a little because I am drinking alot! Also, at my last visit my tumor was undetectable!!!! I then asked what my chances are of getting clear margins at surgery and he said "excellent!!" Just to give perspective, there are 3 categories I could have fallen in. 1- 40% who have it shrink and be undectable (upon examination), 2- 40% who have shrinkage, 3- 20% have no change. I was really hoping to have atleast some shrinkage but have somehow been blessed and have fallen into the category I was afraid to hope for! It is undetectable. I can't describe the emotion of all of that. We spend time at chemo with so many who are not having a good outcome and I cry many times for them. I have been so blessed! I am having one of those experiences that I just can't describe yet because it's not over. But if I could tell you about each and every little blessing it would really amount to something amazing! My friend, Debbie Black, said this would be my greatest gift. (I love her but initially I thought she was "nuts!") Even though it is so hard and awful and will be for a long time, I have already learned she is right! Every day is a gift for me. I have not given deep thought to people actually facing life or death with their health (for a long time anyway) and to say they live differently is an understatement. So far, I am thankful for the chance to live a more meaningful life.
Thank you for your prayers, thoughts, and best wishes, keep sending them! My next treatment is Dec. 18.

Much Love-Shauna


Tricia said...

Hey cute girl, this is a long lost friend Tricia Wallace. Remember me? It's kinda funny okay really not funny, but anyways, it's called facebook and I came across your family and Vanessa had this link on her page. I am totally shocked. We being our young age things like this aren't suppose to happen to us until we are offically "gray and wrinklely". You are the second young person who has been diagnosed this year with cancer. My other friend perhaps you might know her- Janel Staley has the inflammatory kind and recently had a double mascatomy and is doing the radiation part now. Perhaps we should get together and go get a bite to eat or just have a girls night out. It's been forever since we had one of those. My number is 801-499-0970. Feel free to drop by my blogspot triciawallace.blogspot.com It has all my family on there. Tricia Wallace

Anonymous said...

Oh Shauna, I am sooooooo happy for you! That is really wonderful news!!

When someone is diagnosed with cancer it is nearly impossible to tell them about the 'gift of cancer'. It's something we have to experience for ourselves. I LOVE that you are getting good news, I LOVE that we have a Heavenly Father that hears and answers our prayers and I LOVE that HE is always there for us...especially in those deep, dark, scary moments. I also understand the guilt of getting a good diagnosis when there are others that won't receive that news. Please know you are always in the Black family's prayers. Better and better days are comin'!

Love you, Debbie

The Roelofs said...

Hey Shauna, I am so glad to hear that things are going well. You are wonderful and I am so happy for you. Good luck with the upcoming treatments and I am always thinking of you! Love Carrie