Monday, November 03, 2008

My New "Hair Do"!

It's more of a "hair don't" but this is the way things are right now. My hair started to fall out Thursday through Saturday in managable amounts but Sunday night wouldn't stop. So, as a family,we shaved it! Josh started out by saying, "shave it! shave it! shave it!" Megan and Isaac started right with him. It was a very positive experience for all with no tears until my mom got there! Rick was taking the bag of hair out to the garbage as my mom came in and he said, "it's all done." I had already put on my wig when she came walking into my room and said, "Rick said it was done." I looked at her funny and said, "it is done!" We laughed and laughed that even she couldn't tell it was my wig. It was very funny! Of course it's sad and hard and all of those things but there is also no way around it. I actually feel alot better with it over as I don't have to worry about loosing it or anyone noticing a bald spot. I truly think the worst part was the shock of seeing GRAY!!! Yep, I was more offended about that than looking like a prisoner in a prison camp. Anyway, this step is done and my 2nd treatment is this Thursday. I anticipate all the side effects to be a little stronger but I should be able to keep up with most things (I hope!)

Note: if anyone would like the "shauna" hair cut it's done by using a buzzer with a #1 blade and with your family standing right beside you!

We have so many amazing people supporting our family right now and we love you all very much. -Shauna


Peggy said...

That's my girl! It was such a relief to be able to laugh, instead of getting all emotional last night at losing your hair. One more down, and ready for the next. You're doing great! Love you tons, Mom

Nate and Di said...

You look beautiful! :)

The Roelofs said...

Shauna, you look great! Good luck on your next treatment. I hope that you will be feeling okay after it. Take Care. Love Carrie

The Roelofs said...

Shauna, you look great! Good luck on your next treatment. I hope that you will be feeling okay after it. Take Care. Love Carrie

Melinda said...

I saw you at church on Sunday and never would have guessed. I remember thinking how good you looked. Really. Good.

You are beautiful and it has nothing to do with your hair.

Jennifer said...

Shauna, it is good to be proactive. Take these things in to your own hands! :-> RIGHT ON! I bet your kids love it. I think that it is awesome that your wig is so true to you. What a great gift.
Love,Jen S

Anonymous said...

Hey Shauna! I think you look adorable! You are always in my prayers and I do my best to send out "happy thoughts" to you daily! (I hope you're picking up on my vibe. ;-) ) I know the day will come when you are holding someone else's hand and giving them strength and encouragement as they walk down this road. I know that Faith will move any mountain!! I have seen that in my life and you will see it in yours! I love and miss you!

Deb Black

Steveo - Pass The Hammer said...

Up the irons sista! You're my favorite skinhead!

Sara said...

what a big hurdle to cross!! We are amazed by your strength! We love you!!