Thursday, October 09, 2008

The Journey Begins...

This afternoon Shauna, Rick and mom went to meet Dr. Hansen, the Oncologist. He was very nice and Shauna liked him. He took some time to explain a few things about the cancer and the type of treatment that would be best. Shauna has read quite a bit about her cancer and kept right up with the doctor about the different medications used in the chemo treatment. He whole heartily agreed that it was the right decision to hold off on the surgery and do the chemo treatments first. He was very pleased that Shauna is very healthy and want to keep her that way.
On Wednesday, October 15th, they need two more baseline heart tests, so they can monitor her during her treatments. The day after these tests, Shauna begins her first chemo at 10:15. She will have 6 cycles with 3 weeks in between, for a total of 18 weeks. Each visit will take 3 hours. If all goes well, she should have her last treatment the end of January.
Her "Team" (family, friends and new ward) is ready to rally! We can't tell you how much we appreciate all the prayers and love that have been shown to Shauna and her family. We know our Savior is with her, and his love from each one of you will sustain her, and see them through this difficult time. May I say, "Hooray!" to the Webb Lane Ward! What examples you have been, you have truly been amazing and we THANK YOU!

1 comment:

Kiera said...

Shauna, My sister in law lives in Webb lane ward. She told me a small part of your story yesterday and pointed me in the direction of your blog. I am touched. I want you to know your prayer circle has just been enlarged! You and your amazing family will be added in the prayers of many here in Kansas City! You have become a hero of mine...We love you dear sister.