Thursday, October 02, 2008

Today your job is to enjoy yourself, your husband and your kids! Have a happy birthday and remember how much I love you! I wish I was there today, but I will be there around noon tomorrow, hopefully before your surgery. Enjoy your day and don't worry for tomorrow, everything will be fine. I will make sure your babies are well taken care of until you are home. I love you Shauna and admire you more than you know. I am so blessed to not only have you as my sister but also my best friend. I love you, Happy Birthday!!!!


Over The Tipsy Top Design said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAUNA!!!! We are both October Libra girls and with that comes strength and will-power! You are truly an amazing women! Have a fabulous Birthday!!! Love, Marla

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Shauna! We will be praying for you. We want you to know we miss you in the Sandridge ward. Good Luck tommorrow. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Rick and the kids.
Dean and Angie Garrett

AJ Gorham said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Please take the time to relax, party...enjoy yourself!!! We are so blessed to have you for a Sister, Aunt, and Friend. You are amazing!

We love you!
Ryan, Amber, Jake & Will

Nate and Di said...

Happy Birthday Sis! I wish I could be there to celebrate with you. We are thinking and praying for you. We love you!!!!

Nate, Di, and Chase

Over The Tipsy Top Design said...

Have a wonderful b-day!!! We miss you so much around here!!! The pictures of your family combined with the music have made me start sobbing so I can't see the keys anymore!!! I hope all goes well for you tomorrow, you will be in our thoughts and prayers continually!!! My heart is aching for you, please know we all love you!!!

Be Strong, Tonia and Mike Jardine

sweetsistahsarah said...

Happy Birthday to you Shauna! I hope today was filled with family, some laughter and hope. My prayers are with you! Good luck with choosing the new doctors. ((HUGS))