Friday, October 03, 2008

We can't possibly say enough thank you's to everyone who is coming to our aid at this time. Our family and friends and neighbors are such incredible people. I love all the emails and comments on the blog, the simple words you send offer me so much comfort and I truly do feel your love and prayers. Thank You!

  • This week beginning 10/6/07 I will be getting family life buttoned up (as much as possile) before my hair falls out the next week. Fun stuff!~ We will get back the genetic testing on Tuesday or Wednesday, we expect that to be negative but no one knows for sure. All it will do is give a possible explanation where the cancer came from.
  • Tuesday is the Joshman's 11th birthday! His football team made it to their first playoff game where they were defeated on Saturday. We had a great season!!!
  • Thursday will be the cleaning day at the new house: 607 S. Allison Way, (turn east off Angel onto Tylers Way, go east to Allison) I will be there at 9:00 after dropping off Isaac and Meg at pre-school.
  • Friday at 8:00am 2 Men and a Truck (thanks to some really nice guys!) and Rick's work United Team Mech. (thanks to some more really nice guys!) have guys scheduled to help and we are so appreciative to everyone. My thoughts are these groups can get the stuff to the house and we can have others at the house putting stuff away. Any willing hands are welcome anytime.
  • Saturday is the walk at Liberty Park and we will continue getting everything in order at the new house and we expect to stay there that night, anyone who can come we would love to see. Just seeing all our friends and neighbors I have loved makes me so happy. Many people have put alot into getting our home finished and we really appreciate all of the loving hands.

Remember to do your self breast exams not only in the shower but also lying down. My tumor is very large but is undetectable sitting up. Don't ever forget that! I am one in 8. For every 8 women one will get breast cancer. And 40 doesn't matter!!!! I don't want anyone else to go through this so check yourself. Much Love~ Shauna


Peggy said...

You're doing great sweetie! It's amazing what the power of love does for us, in time of trials. One day at a time, and we'll get throught this. I'm beside you, all the way!

Nate and Di said...

Shauna, you are amazing! I am in awe with you and your strength. Even though I'm not there with you, I hope you feel our love and prayers. Keep fighting!!!

AJ Gorham said...

You are one amazing person!!! Thank you for your example and courage. I will be there to clean, move and help with whatever!!! Cannot wait for the walk!

-KJ said...

I love to hear you be so positive!!! My name is Kjersten Bailey, and we are in your new ward. I am planning on being there Thursday AND Saturday if it all works out.

We have a 2 friends that are breast cancer survivors. One with stage 4 and the other with stage 2. BOTH were in their late 20's. It was so devastating to hear, but inspiring to watch them overcome it. We know you can do it too.

Welcome to the ward!

Melinda said...

Hi Shauna,

I'm in your new ward (I live on Webb Lane) and will be meeting you on Thursday morning with my sleeves rolled up. :-)

I just wanted you to know that you are moving to a great ward--you'll love it--and that we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

I have been so touched just by reading your blog and look forward to getting to know you and your family. God bless!!!