Monday, November 24, 2008

November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are spending today at chemo, (yuck) we also get to come back tomorrow for the shot! Oh well, we are getting it over with. I will be half way after this one which is a great milestone. I have been feeling really good this whole time other than those first few days and have got almost all of my Christmas shopping done, decorating done, and even seen Santa with the kids. Rick and I also went to dinner! We have been normal and I am so glad to have had the ability to do almost all the things I normally do. I am not trying to be tough or keep up appearances at all, I am really feeling well almost all of the time. If it hits me now it won't seem like such a long time even though it is still quite a while. We are prepared for the worst and still hope for the best. We have so many people to be thankful for and for so many things right now, especially the help with the kids. They are our biggest priority and we love it when they are loved by someone watching them during the times we can't be there. They have really enjoyed every home they have gone to. That is such a weight taken off of us. Everyone around us (adults and kids) have contributed so much to making this easier and with all of our hearts we are soooo grateful! I appreciate every prayer and every time my name is added to the temple. It is so incredible to have so many people include you in their thoughts and prayers, we are forever thankful!



Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I feel like I am coming back to life!! I have done pretty well considering that I got a cold on Saturday, the same day as the chemo hit. Saturday was pretty rough but my cold is going away so that is a good sign that I can fight it off. The nausea only lasted on Saturday and even Zofran seemed like sugar pills having very little effect.Oh well, I feel much better now. I have improved so much each day, the only thing that is slow now is my brain! I get dizzy and can't remember things as well as I usually do. Josh has been making fun of me, but the nurses told me the chemo infiltrates every place in your body including your brain and has to work it's way out, they also told me at my last visit "chemo brain" is a real thing. Several of my Doctors have shown us study's that show drinking lot's of water and walking 30 minutes on the tredmill each day helps improve the side effects of chemo so that's what I do to work it through faster and so far I think it's helping. At my last Doc. visit he did an examination and said, "that almost feels like normal breast tisue!" This is really important to note for several reasons 1- it comes from a Dr. who never says anything positive, and 2- the chemo appears to beworking and breaking the tumor down. I might be reading more into it than he intended at least we know that the chemo is working and I felt these were good comments! As for all of you surrounding us, I am so thankful for every little thing that you do and say on our behalf. I am so thankful for each of you who have helped with the kids and brought meals and said prayers. I am so thankful for each person who has interacted with me and made me feel so normal even though I don't look normal anymore. I love and appreciate you all. Love- Shauna

"Strength to do battle begins with enlisting the strength of God." - Pres. Hinckley

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Novemeber 8, 2008 update:

I did chemo on Thursday, it still took about 6 hours by the time I saw the Doctor and got "every last drop" of chemo! I thought it was going to speed up but it won't. Oh well, only 4 more to go!!! I was happily wearing a blue hat that says in red stitching, "CHEMO SUCKS!" My blood counts and general health is very good, the doctor even said I did "amazingly well!" I hope to keep it up. Tomorrow the Neulasta shot will kick in and that is uncomfortable in every bone of my body but the aches go away within 48 hours. Then the other stuff will begin. I hope it only lasts a week like last time but we are prepared for anything. Thanks to everyone who continues to support our family, we can't do it without all of you!!! Much Love- Shauna

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

My Twin!

When someone you love is faced with hardships, as a family it is hard enough to watch them suffer. It is even harder when you live far away from them at the time they need you most! Diana and I along with our families have really struggled being away at a time when Shauna needs us most. So each of us are finding our own ways to show our love and support for Shauna during her fight. This is a picture of brother-in-law Nate sharing his message with Shauna.
"We may be far away, but we're with you!
We love you :)"

Monday, November 03, 2008

My New "Hair Do"!

It's more of a "hair don't" but this is the way things are right now. My hair started to fall out Thursday through Saturday in managable amounts but Sunday night wouldn't stop. So, as a family,we shaved it! Josh started out by saying, "shave it! shave it! shave it!" Megan and Isaac started right with him. It was a very positive experience for all with no tears until my mom got there! Rick was taking the bag of hair out to the garbage as my mom came in and he said, "it's all done." I had already put on my wig when she came walking into my room and said, "Rick said it was done." I looked at her funny and said, "it is done!" We laughed and laughed that even she couldn't tell it was my wig. It was very funny! Of course it's sad and hard and all of those things but there is also no way around it. I actually feel alot better with it over as I don't have to worry about loosing it or anyone noticing a bald spot. I truly think the worst part was the shock of seeing GRAY!!! Yep, I was more offended about that than looking like a prisoner in a prison camp. Anyway, this step is done and my 2nd treatment is this Thursday. I anticipate all the side effects to be a little stronger but I should be able to keep up with most things (I hope!)

Note: if anyone would like the "shauna" hair cut it's done by using a buzzer with a #1 blade and with your family standing right beside you!

We have so many amazing people supporting our family right now and we love you all very much. -Shauna