Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What a crazy life....

We thought things were settling down for us but Josh had to get in on the excitement Sunday morning. Rick and I thought he had is weekly "Sunday Flu" coming on so we told him to get ready and get in the truck! He lasted 10 minutes at church (Rick drove him home) and when we called to check on him 45 minutes later we knew it wasn't the flu. I went home and checked on him and he pointed right in the appendix area. I said, "dang it!" and drove him to McKay Dee ER where he continued to get worse and after an ultrasound they confirmed it was his appendix. He was in surgery by 2:00 pm, it was pretty unbelievable to be sitting there for more health issues. Anyway, he did really well and was home in bed by 11:30 pm. It worked out so we could all get some sleep before going back to the hospital for radiation.
This did mean the 4-wheeling trip to Glamis was cancelled for Rick and Josh. They were very sad!
Radiation starts on April 1st, I think I got my hopes up when I talked to them on the phone and I just assumed that they would get me going on my schedule but it didn't work! I did get all the preliminary stuff done so I will just go for 25 minutes each day starting April Fools Day!
We sure hope everyone else is healthy! Much Love- Shauna

Friday, March 20, 2009


Monday starts the radiation. I am actually anxious to get it going because then it will be 6 weeks and it's over. I have been feeling really good with the exception of the colds I keep getting and can't fight off. This one is either a sinus infection or ear infectionm either way my head hurts! My cough is very annoying especially after the surgery. You don't really want details it's just very uncomfortable! Anyway, I have been walking my 30 minutes every day and we have even gone for a family bike ride which was more difficult than I thought it would be but still great! Every day I am feeling closer to who I was before and I am so excited! Shauna

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Still doing well!

So, the last 3 weeks has been.... rough. I am feeling better every day. I have finally had the last drain removed (yeah!) but the Dr. filled my expander for the 2nd time, the pressure is unbelieveable. She said I am healing well and all that good stuff so I am glad. This has been one crazy experience along with all the rest. We are somewhat able to breath sighs of relief now that we are at this point, that is especially good for Rick, he was a nervous wreck but is much better now. I am cleared for radiation and we are getting the appointments scheduled but I will be off the schedule that I had set for myself. I wanted to start next week but it will be 2 weeks from today to ensure that everything is completely healed. That's just the way it goes.
Everyone is asking about the hair! The minimal amount of existing hair (and I mean minimal!) has grown a little but not many new sprouts yet. I got some special shampoo/conditioner and intensive hair growth therapy, no one really knows if it will do anything but one of my chemo friends says it has definatley worked for her. If it doesn't work it will get me back in the habit of shampooing my hair. It's been kind of nice to just loofa my whole body including my head, it's very quick too! HA!HA!HA! As soon as I have anything to speak of I will be sporting it! I am very excited to have hair that won't blow away in the wind!
The Race for the Cure is May 9th and we will be there! The team name is Joggin' for Jugs, it should be fun! Love- Shauna