Monday, April 13, 2009

I hope everyone had a Happy Easter! We did!
Radiation is going fine, I have figured out it does have sde effects but they aren't terrible...yet. The fatigue isn't too bad yet. I have what they call "chording" down my arm to the wrist and even on top of my hand which feels like scar tissue and it burns, hurts,and stretches when I use my arm. I have to exercise it morning and night to keep it under control and wear a sleeve. The only good thing is once radiation is over it should sibside, or I should be able to manage it. It came on the first few days of radiation and really got bad last week but a trip to the physial therapist has helped a ton. Other than that and the daily drive to McKayDee I am functioning almost normally and I love it! I never thought I would be so thankful to clean my own bathrooms but each time I do it I am thankful that I can. It's been so funny what little things we appreciate after all we have been through. We sat in traffic in front of Lowe's and Rick grumbled, as soon as he did I said," I am just glad to be here, all 5 of us!" He frequently makes the same comments when we do things we haven't been able to do together like go to church after all these months of them going without me. I thought we were thankful people before but we really are now.
Don't forget Race for the Cure is May 9th. The team name is Joggin' for Jugs and you cna sign up online @ My last radiation is May 8th so we are hoping to make the race a party! Love- Shauna

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