Tuesday, September 23, 2008



I had a checkup about 1 ½ years ago and my doctor did spend some extra time in the general location but moved on raising no real concern. I wish I could have known then. I have done some self examinations while standing up in the shower. That is all I remember hearing - That my lump was undetectable standing up. I can only find it lying down. It is also so deep that it is very hidden adding to the reasons why it has been “missed.” Once I noticed what I initially called “dense tissue” I was alarmed although I thought it would be a plugged duct or cyst. I never would have guessed.
I made my appointment which was two days later.
Throughout the next two days I became more and more worried as I realized what I felt was a lump and it was very large. I went to my appointment and saw the 2 masses on their ultrasound. My doctor asked to make appointments for a mammogram and ultrasound ASAP and I was more alarmed. I was afraid and upset. I had not told anyone as I initially thought it would be nothing. The nurse called the hospital for the earliest appointment which was 1 week out. She then told them the size of the mass and they got me in that afternoon at 1:00 just one hour later! When I left she hugged me and cried. “Oh $%@#!” was all I could think. When the nurse cries that’s got to be bad.
I drove to my ultrasound appointment and Rick met me there. I also called everyone else before that appointment as it was time to let them know that this was serious. I went to the ultrasound first and 2 cute little nurses asked a ton of questions and then disappeared to get the doctor. He came in and looked and said, “this doesn’t look good.” Then, to get a better picture of the situation, I had a mammogram. I had never done anything like any of this before. I knew I was turning 35 next month and was still not required to have a mammogram. Age doesn’t matter! The mammogram showed everything. 2 masses and the Radiologist was sure they were cancer. Rick and I were not given time to even catch our breath before the MRI and biopsy were scheduled. We then left the office and fell to pieces.
My mom had called and Rick gave her the news. We had to get ourselves home to my mom’s house. Everyone was being called and gathering there. We were beside ourselves. So much to take in and think about and still so much we did not know. We spent the weekend being together as a big family. We packed and moved our little family into my brother Randall’s basement. Life has a cruel way of bringing you back to reality. We had to move out of our rental home by the 30th and our new home was not scheduled to be completed for another 2-3 weeks. We completed out move that weekend before any impending testing and surgery.
It has been very wonderful, comforting, and helpful to be surrounded by my family and not be “alone” during this hard time.




ATTENTION: If you only have a little $$$ to donate please make all contributions to the

Thank you!!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008


Charitable Account - TEAM SHAUNA

A Charitable Account has been set up in Shauna's name at America First Credit Union. Shauna does have insurance, however there will be substantial out-of-pocket costs over the course of her surgery and treatments. Shauna and Rick would NEVER ask for this type of help. As friends and family, we all know the added expense can become a big concern. Let's help lift the pressure of this one concern so that the Dunfords can focus on what matters most...
helping Shauna fight and heal in peace.

Rick said it best just yesterday...
I hope you don't mind me sharing but there is no better way of putting it!!!

Rick said,
"You know, nothing else matters...
Nothing matters more than my wife and having a mommy for my kids."

How to donate...
1. Write a check to "Team Shauna Charitable Account"
2. Take the check to any America First Credit Union OR mail to Randall Gorham at 1168 Hanline Circle Kaysville, UT 84037.
3. Get a receipt OR Randall will mail it to you!




A shout out to the ladies...Get a Mammogram!
Shauna is only 34 years old.
Kinda makes you think doesn't it?
Age is no longer a determining factor...get a mammogram, it can't hurt!!!
Well okay it might hurt a little but I would imagine it is worth a little discomfort.
Early Detection: Do You Know The Facts?
The National Breast Cancer Foundation estimates that each year, over 200,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and over 40,000 die. One woman in eight either has or will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Approximately 1,700 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 450 will die each year.If detected early, the five-year survival rate for breast cancer exceeds 96%. Mammograms are among the best early detection methods, yet 13 million U.S. women 40 years of age or older have never had a mammogram.The National Cancer Institute and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommend that women in their forties and older have mammograms every one to two years. A complete early detection plan also includes regular clinical breast examinations by a trained medical professional. Monthly breast self-exams are suggested in addition.For more information about breast cancer, see our About Breast Cancer page or this Healthology page.
At www.cancer.org/MammogramReminder,
You and the women you love can sign up to receive a free email mammogram reminder that will remind you to schedule your yearly mammogram in the month of your choice. The American Cancer Society recommends that all women 40 and older get a mammogram every year, in addition to a clinical breast exam by their doctor or nurse as part of their regular health checkups. We know that knowledge is power, and we won’t stop until every woman understands how they can take control of their breast health.


October is Breast Cancer Awareness month...

All of Shauna's friends and family are invited to participate in the MSABC Walk.

"Making Strides Against Breast Cancer"

Event date: Saturday, October 11, 2008
Location: Beautiful Liberty Park, Salt Lake City

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer events have no registration fee and no fundraising minimum. These noncompetitive walks range in distance from three to five miles, and men, women, and children of all ages are encouraged to participate. All funds raised at this event stay here and benefit women in the great State of Utah!!!!

NOTE: We will be making TEAM SHAUNA T-SHIRTS so please let me know if you would like to participate so that we can keep you informed and get you a shirt!